Bringing your Facebook and Instagram photos to life It's estimated that over 3 billion people are using both Facebook and Instagram combined - around the world and over 360 million images are uploaded onto the platforms each and every day. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past decade,
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Bringing your Facebook and Instagram photos to life

Picture Frames on wall

It's estimated that over 3 billion people are using both Facebook and Instagram combined - around the world and over 360 million images are uploaded onto the platforms each and every day. Unless you have been living under a rock for the past decade, the chances are, you have either Facebook, Instagram or possibly both.

Perhaps you use it to update friends with what is going on in your life by sharing images of your pets or even weekend getaways to the countryside. Many of us use social media to have a nosey at other people's photos and one thing that a lot of us are guilty of is using it to look at old photos with our friends and cringe at how bad our fashion sense used to be.

The question is, how many of us print these photos that we upload digitally? And how many of these photos do we frame and hang around our homes?

Is technology killing off the photo frame?

Remember the days when you would go out and purchase a CD, tape or if you're old enough to remember... a vinyl? You'd open the artwork and marvel at the fact how Michael Jackson has changed slightly since his last album - it's fair to say times have changed and technology is rapidly changing every day.

When Steve Jobs came around and invented the iPod, other devices like the smartphone and tablet quickly followed. And ever since then, everything has changed. New technology meant that you could now walk around with a thousand songs in your pocket, making tapes, vinyl and CD's redundant.

So that got us thinking, has the evolution of modern-day technology influenced the way that we, as everyday people, print photos and frame them? Take a look at your mum's and dad's, how many times have you gone to the back of their wardrobes to find old baby albums, family holidays and birthdays neatly labelled and boxed away? How many of us can say we have documented our lives in the same fashion? Our modern-day equivalent to photo albums is now stored in something called "the cloud" - this by the way isn't necessarily a bad thing.

So, is there a place for picture frames in the 21st century? Of course!

The 21st century - frame the right way

We think there is always a place for a framed photograph, even in 2021. It feels us with sadness that people keep some of their most cherished memorised locked away on social media, unloved and un treasured.

It's time to bring some of those old Instagram and Facebook photos back to life so that the people that come to visit can enjoy viewing them too! Ok, perhaps not the embarrassing ones, but you know what we mean!

So what kind of images are worth framing?
  • Baby photos
  • Photos of your children (the ones where they are behaving themselves)
  • Great times with friends
  • Amusing photos
  • Photos that bring back good memories
  • Professional photographs
  • A photo that makes a statement or you are proud of
  • Photos of ‘absent friends’
  • Milestones such as your child's first day at school, first steps, university graduation, wedding day and birthdays.
  • Your favourite photo with your partner
What photos should you not frame?

We recommend avoiding framing any of the following Facebook and Instagram images below because we have your best interests at heart:

  • Your last Christmas ‘party' where you had one too many eggnogs
  • A class photo when you were 5
  • Any ‘selfies’
  • Your pet in a costume
  • Your ex

So have a go and bring your social media images to life, feel free to share your images with us on our Facebook and Instagram pages... Good Luck!

Any good framers will be able to show you a vast range of different solutions and advise on what might be the most suitable given the work and its proposed location.

You can contact EasyFrame on 01234 856 501 and / or and they'll always chat even if you don't want to buy!

Article Posted: 27/05/2021 12:26:52

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